The science behind effective digital advertising

November 29, 2022

Advertising is complicated. The proliferation of options and pace of change mean there’s a lot to keep on top of, all the time. Marketers are now required to have a multidisciplinary approach so that their brand, product or service can get maximum exposure. But when you’re constantly juggling projects and budgets are tight, business demands can breed a ‘more for less’ mentality. So, is ‘more for less’ possible in the modern world or advertising? We think it is – through the smart use of digital advertising.

Digital marketing is all about creating a relationship with your customers through the use of digital channels. It’s the process of creating, managing, and executing a marketing plan that uses digital technologies to reach and engage customers. The advertising part of this allows you to reach potential customers where they are – and nowadays the reality is that this is increasingly online.


More than an art form

Creative thinking is needed to develop effective ad campaigns that capture the attention of consumers. For traditional media channels getting this step right has been vital due to the high cost of producing the ads along with the cost of the media to display them. Furthermore once dispatched, the messaging in traditional media is static – once it’s out, it’s out. If the message isn’t resonating it’s difficult to change, not to mention the inability to be contextually relevant. The good news is that these challenges can now be overcome – through major advances in digital advertising.


Embracing digital advertising as a science 

A great digital campaign requires a certain amount of scientific know-how to be able to target the right consumers and track the results of campaigns. By getting the foundations right you can enhance campaign performance, and most importantly business results. Here’s where digital media can really play a part.


Laser focus on your audience

With an abundance of data now available it is easier than ever to target your ideal customer where they are. Specific audiences can be targeted based on demographics, interests, buying habits and more. You can also target lookalike audiences by reaching potential customers who are likely to share similar interests and behaviours to your existing customers.

To achieve this you need to use digital tools to gather accurate and reliable information about target audiences – and use a continuous feedback loop that ensures future advertising activity leverages the benefits. 


More channels, more opportunity

In the technology age nothing stands still, and digital media is revolutionising the way we consume information. No longer are we bound by traditional television schedules or radio programmes, instead we can watch what we want, when we want, on a range of devices.

This newfound freedom offers opportunities to reach customers in new and innovative ways. Digital media is no longer just for direct response advertising – it can deliver to brand objectives too. Digital OOH and online video can bring your brand message to the right audience, also allowing for repetition that helps build memory structures. Social media is a powerful tool to enhance customer engagement that delivers saliency and loyalty for your brand.


Test, learn, optimise, repeat

We all know the situation where you’ve come up with a great campaign, but the business has other ideas. ‘Can we add this word’ or ‘how about this image’ coming at you from all directions. What is it that will really resonate with your target customer? This is where A/B testing comes in.

A/B testing allows you to experiment with different versions of an ad or piece of content and then test them against each other to see which performs better. This process allows your businesses to learn what works and what doesn’t work for your audience, and fine-tune the campaign for maximum effect.


Bigger demands for less

With the global economy in a state of flux it’s no surprise that many businesses are tightening purse strings, and often the marketing budget gets the most scrutiny. At the same time demands are increasing on what your budget needs to achieve. The good news is that digital media allows you to work your advertising harder delivering cost efficient performance.

By targeting your audience with precision you ensure that your message is seen by the people who are most likely to be interested in what you have to say.

You can track performance in real time, and optimise the budget to the right places. And with accurate reporting you can share how your advertising is delivering to business results at the boardroom table.


Science delivers

Digital advertising is a science that is constantly evolving, with new media options offering many advantages over traditional forms of advertising. These include the ability to target specific audiences, track results in real-time, and scale your campaigns quickly and easily. With these advantages, you can create ads that reach the right people with the right message in the right place – making digital advertising an essential part of any marketing mix.

If you’re ready to use the power of science to deliver better performance for your campaigns get in touch. We’re here to help.